Dec 23, 2009

Happy New Year....

Aloha my friends,my buddies and my hommies out there...

Welcome to The Synyster-nification...I would like to wish Merry Christmas to my friends,Freddy Kruegger from Elm Street and Jason from Friday 13th....Soon,we say goodbye to 2009 and hello to 2010...I about to plan for some formula for new revolution for my army.I wished to be somebody special but failed...Never mind,I will bring the glory in future...

I don't forget to say sorry coz it's quite a long time for this bloody blog was not updated..Sorry,guys and girls...For my friends out there,you all don't worry coz I still the same and no girls with me....NO WOMAN NO CRY....REMEMBER THAT...if I got a girlfriend sooner or later,it's different.....

I quite busy with my work and family till I have no time with my friends....Aey Kurt!!I will give you a call when I have a day off....

That's all for today....Happy New year,Guys & Girls.....
Arigato Gozaimas
